International Medical Advisory Board
The FND Hope International Medical Advisory Board [IMAB], comprised of advisors representing various countries, was created to ensure a maximum and cohesive impact for Functional Neurological Disorder and bring together renowned FND experts to work in a concerted manner with the FND Hope national organizations. FND Hope US, FND Hope UK, FND Hope Australia, and FND Hope Netherlands work with renowned FND experts to advance a common strategic vision through the lenses of our national constituencies.
The purpose of the International Medical Advisory Board (IMAB) is to support the FND Hope mission in pursuit of a global concerted effort to empower and improve the health of FND patients everywhere. The IMAB is comprised of appointed advisors who have credentials, training and/or expertise and interest in functional symptoms that qualifies them to provide medically oriented guidance and technical assistance to FND Hope. The IMAB may offer direction to FND Hope in the areas of advocacy, program development, and overall service needs.
Global Initiatives
● Serve as a resource on scientific and medical issues, including opinions on methods of managing and treating the condition on a national and international scale
● Collaborate on an annual publishable white paper beneficial for the FND community at large. Paper topics may focus on IMAB yearly objectives or other relevant global concerns, such as ICD coding, research, awareness, and public policy.
Advance Research
● Support FND Hope research efforts
● Identify and advise on promising areas of research
● Encourage FND Scientific Registry
● Standardization of intake/survey research questions and outcomes measures
Awareness & Education
● Engage in/support the annual International FND Awareness Day the 13th of April
● Public Relations and Media – speak with the media, assist with writing and/or correcting public FND information
● Actively educate professional and lay audiences about the condition
● Write and review educational materials, including newsletter articles
Public Policy
● Address labeling and coding i.e. DSM-5 coding
● Assist with writing and/or correcting public FND information, i.e. social media, public resource websites, medical resources.
● Establish and propagate best practices for ethical patient-centered care
Support FND Hope Programs
● Participate in the annual International FND Awareness Day 13 April
● Review FND Hope literature to ensure that information is medically accurate
● Participate in forums, webinars, and newsletters to provide information about FND and related topics

In alphabetical order