Art Journalling for Wellbeing

MONDAYS @ 11.00am – 12.00pm
Using mindfulness to create personal projects for journals which enables us to channel our thoughts and anxieties in a positive way. Open to all levels of art ability.

MONDAYS @ 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Pilates is a seated for adults with a disability or long-term health condition. Participants will improve flexibility, muscle strength & well-being whilst seated at home or in a residential setting. *

TUESDAY @ 10:00am – 11:00am
ParaStars Dance™ is a seated dance & movement class for adults with a disability or long-term health condition. Upbeat music and fun dance moves will boost resilience and fitness.
Participants will improve flexibility, muscle strength & well-being whilst seated at home or in a residential setting. Benefits include stress reduction, aiding flexibility, toning and fitness & helping to boost the immune system. Classes include some exercises for upper body only and some exercises for upper and lower body to offer diversity and levels. *
Mindfulness Meditation

TUESDAY @ 7:00pm – 7.30pm
Mindfulness is a great tool to help you relax and help you to manage your thoughts and emotions more effectively. The class starts with a short discussion followed by a mindfulness meditation and finishes with any questions around the session.

Thursday @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
ParaStars Yoga is a seated yoga programme for adults with a disability or long-term health condition. Benefits include improved posture, fitness, physical & motor skills, spatial awareness, balance, co-ordination and flexibility. A stress relieving programme to increase confidence, range of movement & to enrich everyday life. These lessons include some exercises for the upper body only and some exercises for both upper and lower body offering diversity and levels to suit all abilities*
Art Journalling for Wellbeing

Friday @ 7:00pm – 8:00pm
ParaStars Yoga for adults is a seated yoga programme for adults with a disability or long-term health condition. Benefits include improved posture, fitness, physical & motor skills, spatial awareness, balance, co-ordination and flexibility. A stress relieving programme to increase confidence, range of movement & to enrich everyday life. These lessons include some exercises for upper body only and some exercises for upper and lower body to offer diversity and levels *
Synergy Dance® Outreach – Disclaimer:
FND Hope UK Disclaimer: Whilst FND Hope UK has acted with Synergy Dance® Ltd and Synergy Dance® Outreach to bring you these activities, you should remember that you are partaking in these activities freely and therefore as above, should it result in any injury, you agree to absolve Synergy Dance® Ltd and Synergy Dance® Outreach and FND Hope UK of any liability regarding any injury sustained now, or in the future as a direct result of participation in Synergy Dance® Ltd and Synergy Dance® Outreach online activities.
By participating you further agree to release and discharge Synergy Dance® Ltd and Synergy Dance® Outreach and FND Hope UK from any claims or causes of action, or unknown, now and in the future and to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Online support groups

Our online support groups are a great way of connecting with others who have experiences of Functional Neurological Disorder, in a safe and relaxed environment. We offer different support groups via our Zoom platform and are open to anyone over the ages of 18 years old. Remember, you do not need to have your camera on, if this makes you more comfortable.  Our support groups are for those diagnosed with FND, friends, family and care partners.  The groups operate by geographical region to try and provide a more localised approach, however, you are welcome to attend any group regardless of your location.
- GROUND RULES FOR CLASSES AND PEER GROUPSCONFIDENTIALITY – any personal information we share remains confidential.
INVOLVEMENT – everyone is welcome to have their say.
RESPECT – listen to each other and try not to interrupt.
PATIENCE – wait for your turn to speak and no side conversations.
HARMONY – work to a consensus when decisions are to be made.
DISAGREEMENT – don’t judge others if they have a different view.
RESPECT – always treat each other with respect and kindness.
POSITIVITY – always try to work towards the positive.
SUPPORT – share, learn and build each other up.
HONESTY – always be honest and have fun
To attend any of our meetings, register on the links below.
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