It is possible to exercise while having FND symptoms.
The key is to establish a baseline then go at your own pace. When you have set your baseline you need to give your body time to settle into the level. How long this takes will vary from person to person but it can take weeks. You will be ready to gradually increase your activities when you feel your body has acclimated to the level and you can confidently sustain it.  Like before you had symptoms you can imagine how hard it can be to be consistent. There is likely to be pressure from everyday life or a particularly symptomatic day to deviate from your exercise routine.  However, it is imperative that you continue a regimen at any level, even if you have to do less than baseline, in order to maintain a routine.
Most people only associate activity with intense physical, active pastimes. However, chronic illness requires you to take a fresh look at what activity is and how it impacts your day to day routine. Check out our Balance page to get more tips on how to incorporate activity into your daily routine.
This whole-body exercise:
- improves your balance and stability
- gives you access to the space above and behind the body with gentle rotation of the spine and rotator cuff
- increases your range of shoulder joint motion in that plane
- gently loads the musculature for improved strength
- develops elasticity in fascia of chest and back
- trains your grounding and weight shift with rhythmic counter- movements.
Tai Ji both can be done seated. Tai Ji is very gentle and low impact and it’s great for retraining the brain. Dr Paul Lam has an excellent range of DVDs and does a seated version originally suggested for arthritis sufferers but it would be good for FND too.
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