Fibromyalgia is chronic widespread pain in the muscles and connective tissue and a heightened painful response to pressure. It is a disorder of pain processing due to abnormalities in how pain signals are processed in the central nervous system.Fibromyalgia (FM) is a common illness that affects ~ 2 to 4 % of the general population, of which the majority are female. The illness may be triggered by physical or emotional trauma. FM is characterized by chronic widespread pain, by sleeping problems, and by profound fatigue that does not improve after resting. There is significant overlap between FM and chronic fatigue syndrome. Patients with FM frequently have other symptoms such as headaches, nocturnal jaw tightness, morning stiffness, tingling and numbness of arms and legs, irritable bowel, urinary urgency, dryness in the mouth and eyes, cold swollen hands, anxiety and/or depression. Another characteristic of FM is tenderness at palpation in defined points at the neck and lower back areas.
Constant burning pain is experienced in a specific part of the body, for example, a hand, foot, arm or leg.  Skin in the affected area is more sensitive and prone to drastic temperature changes.   For example, an affected arm will at times be sweaty or cold for no reason.
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